Ashish Uppala

Software Engineer & Designer
Chicago, Illinois

Hi, I'm Ashish

I'm obsessed by technology, design, and systems, and constantly look for ways to apply my craft to enabling scientific progress.

I’ve worn multiple hats, initially as a research fellow at the National Cancer Institute and later in engineering and product across fintech, travel, cybersecurity, insurance, and scientific publishing.

I joined as the first engineering hire in 2020 and currently serve as the CTO to improve how people discover, evaluate, and do better research.



Installing Latest nmap on Ubuntu

Using alien to make nmap RPM binaries available in Ubuntu

The debian build of nmap is often 1-2 years behind. If you're using Ubuntu (personally, or in Docker), here's how you can use alien to convert and install the latest RPM package.



Federated Learning

Reflections from NeurIPS and related readings

I was particularly fascinated by privacy preserving technologies, and reflected on innovations around federated learning during my trip to NeurIPS in Vancouver.


Software That Can Paint

Early generative art

I've always loved art and photography; this essay is a consolidation of some of my notes on varieties of generative art from a number of international artists.


Work Experience


CTO (2023) - Remote Senior Software Engineer

First engineering hire. Designed and built ingestion system to process millions of full text articles. Develop and maintain relationships with publishers, run product studies, craft new business partnerships, and software engineering all over the place.


Upside Business Travel

Full Stack Software Engineer - Washington, D.C.

Software engineering for a corporate travel platform; mostly in React, NodeJS, Postgres, Golang.



Engineering and Design - Remote

I consult with various early stage startups or local companies and design and build software for them -- from simple landing pages to full-stack applications and anything in between.


Capital One

Software Engineer - McLean, VA

Software engineering for a new B2B Commercial Payments Platform; mostly in Java, Angular, React, Postgres.


National Cancer Institute

CRTA Fellow - Bethesda, MD

Clinical trials and mouse torturing (no more!).

